Types of Hernias Treated with Laparoscopic Surgery: Understanding the Options

hernia blog

Understanding Hernia  Hernias often manifest as noticeable bulges in areas such as the groin, belly button, or surgical sites and may be accompanied by sharp pain or a dull ache. They can be present from birth (congenital) or develop over time, affecting both men and women.  Hernia Causes A hernia can be triggered by anything […]

Diagnosing Hiatus Hernia: Tests and Procedures Explained

Diagnosing Hiatus Hernia: Tests and Procedures Explained

Diagnosing Hiatus Hernia: Tests and Procedures Explained The diagnosis of hiatus hernia involves a series of necessary tests and procedures. Healthcare professionals employ these methods to ensure accurate identification and effective treatment.  Read on as we shed light on the significance of early diagnosis and explore the various techniques used in the diagnosis of hiatus […]

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery People under 50 with overweight and obesity at greater risk for severe COVID-19 Being under 50 years of age does not protect against the dangers of COVID-19 if you are overweight, according to a study from UT Southwestern (UTSW). “If you’re young. (in the study, young is defined as age 50 or younger) […]

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery has become widely accepted as an effective alternative to the treatment of hernias. It has success rates identical to those of the conventional method and quickens recovery by decreasing time until return to work or physical activities.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery has become widely accepted as an effective alternative to the treatment of hernias. It has success rates identical to those of the conventional method and quickens recovery by decreasing time until return to work or physical activities.